Ultra 超世代音乐节将降临中东!没错,就在2020年3月,Ultra 超世代音乐节将在亚斯岛上的 du Arena 举办为期两天首届的 Ultra Abu Dhabi。
Ultra 超世代音乐节是世界顶级的电子音乐节,拥有一流的 DJ 和无与伦比的制作能力。自 2008年首次在美国以外的地方举办演出以来,Ultra Worldwide 便将目光投向了全球,并一直是世界上最国际化的音乐节品牌。该专营权已成功在所有六个居住大洲举办活动,并计划在 2020年进行更广的扩展。
阿布达比不仅是首都,也正迅速成为阿联酋的文化中心。现代的国际化氛围吸引着来自世界各地的游客,前往中东体验阿联酋所著名的奢华生活。现在就立即预订,来见证 Ultra Abu Dhabi 2020 历史性的一刻!
详情请联络: vvip@festground.com
Rules and Regulations:
- This event has an age restriction. You must be 21 years or older to attend the event.
- You must bring a valid photo ID to enter the event.
- The box office will not release tickets or wristbands if the name on the ID does not match the name on the e-tickets.
Purchase Terms & Conditions:
- Event details, including the artist lineup, are subject to change. Please refer to the event’s official website for the latest information.
- Payment will be charged immediately at the time of purchase.
- All sales are final. Non-refundable/Non-transferable, FESTGROUND cannot be exchanged or cancelled.
- All sales are subject to FESTGROUND’s privacy policy.
Ultra Abu Dhabi 2020
阿布扎比, 阿拉伯联合酋长国 | Mar 05 - 06, 2020
- 不予退改
- 严禁更改电子票券使用者
- 出示凭证入场